Today's Rate : Gold 22K : 5815/Gram Silver : 75.70/Gram
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What our Management team brings on board ?

A veteran of the Jewellery industry with 34 years of experience Mr. Raghuram is in the key front of sourcing & Merchandising for aniga™. In the last ten years he has travelled extensively across the country connecting with manufacturers of all scales of Jewellery / giftables / decors / adornments and has access to procure the best in the trade giving the edge to aniga™ product range in comparison to the other players in the market.

Mr. Raghuram Raju

Executive Director

Chief sourcing Officer

Executive Director

The Co-founder of aniga™, Mr. Saravan Raj has been a integral part of many successful retail brands and stories in the Jewellery industry over the last 24 years. Extensively experienced in scripting success mantras, he curates the Brand aniga™ helming Franchise Relations, Sales & Marketing, & Operational aspects of the business.

Mr. Saravan Raj Aravindan

Co-Founder & Brand Curator

General Manager - Operations

Executive Director

The Aniga Alliance

With due realisation that backbone to the modern day retail success is a robust technology solution provider, aniga™ has associated with Logimax Technologies, a Leading Technology Solutions Provider in India and Singapore. The rich experience Logimax brings on board helps aniga™ in

business Efficient inventory management

business Fast Replenishment

business CRM solutions

Resulting in optimised Business Management

Executive Director